This is what I have come up with... so far:
1. One aspect of Buddhist philosophy is the belief in the need for DETACHMENT. Detachment is the letting go of our NEED for something so that you can be in the present moment. This is an extremely helpful idea. I talk a lot about focusing your thoughts on what you want for your life and in regards to love, but it is equally as important to be able to let go of the NEED for those things and be present in the now. The funny thing is that the more you are able to detach from something, the more likely it is to enter your life.
2. The world of psychology has changed a lot from the emergence of Sigmund Freud. There is a new branch of psychology called Positive Psychology. Positive Psychology believes that it is okay to attach yourself to the idea of happiness and the ways in which you can maximize your happiness. One specific concept included in Positive Psychology, as I understand it, is focusing on your strengths and what brings you joy. A way you can do this is by reviewing daily what you are grateful for in your life. Actually, in doing this gratitude review you are bringing yourself into the present moment while still maximizing your happiness for the future.
What can we learn from these two seemingly different viewpoints...
It is important to be in the moment! So, if you are on a path to more fulfillment in your love life, or any part of your life, just remember to stop every once in awhile and be right where you... doing that will actually bring you closer to where you want to go.